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Fit Fam Feature – Amy Cresswell

Name : Amy Cresswell

Age : 31

Currently living In : Dyersburg, Tenn.

For work I :  am in Risk Management for Ford Construction Company

Smile2GetFit member since : I started training with Lauren in August of 2013!

Motivation to start living healthier : To stay young, to improve my overall health, and to manage/maintain my weight over time.

What’s been easy along the way? : For me, the discipline of working out on a schedule is easy.

What’s been the most difficult? : Learning how to change my diet to get achieve my goals. Before, I was eating “healthy” foods and in good proportion, but I had to change the ratio of what I was eating to achieve my goals. Also, it was hard to learn how to push through a plateau to get to the next level.

What are you most proud of? : That I have a much more knowledge of how my body works (muscle groups, etc.), how to properly exercise my body, and what foods to put into my body to fuel up. That I am back down to “high school” weight!

How do you celebrate milestones? : Gathering with family and friends, either hosting a get together or going on a special trip somewhere.

Favorite way to get fit : Going for a jog–preferably in the morning about 30 minutes before sunrise (to see the pretty colors), when the air is crisp and still. It’s a quiet time to myself when people and things have not yet started to stir.

First word that comes to mind when I say Burpees : Two words: “Oh no….”

Go to healthy meal : There are so many! But at the moment, egg whites for breakfast, a chopped turkey salad for lunch, and anything in the slow cooker for dinner.

Favorite food you didn’t like before : Protein shakes! YUM!

Favorite “fun” food : Cake. Cake. And Cake.

What makes you smile? : My family, being organized, helping others, a beautiful day, a delicious meal, a good night’s sleep…and funny animal videos online!

Being healthy is a journey – What’s next? : Work on toning up even more for Spring/Summer!

Where can we bump into you? : My office, church, the park (jogging), Kroger (lol!)

What can we call you for help with? : If you need help with breaking down a goal into small, actionable steps! (email me)

Favorite Amy-ism : “Girl!” in all inflections. As in “Hey, girl!” “Oooo, girl….” “Girl, no.” Ha ha ha!

