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What I Ate Wednesday #34 {Almost Clean}

It’s easy to eat clean until someone orders cheese dip!  My body was telling me to eat clean on this day.  I wasn’t feeling like myself and I knew smart food choices would bring me back to normal.

Here’s what I ate {Almost a Clean Day}:


1. Two shakes in one day always do the trick. My body clearly needed some extra nutrition!
2. It’s SQUASH SEASON!  I cooked my first spaghetti squash of the year!  The next night, I had acorn squash.  Yum.
3. That’s homemade spaghetti sauce with ground turkey.  I browned the turkey, added a can of tomato paste, onions, diced tomatoes, water, and spices. Simmered to deliciousness.


Check out what other people ate by visiting Peas and Crayons!

Do you have a favorite squash?


